
How To Clean Bed Mattress Without Vacuum : 8 Simple Ways

Welcome to our blog post on how to clean bed mattress without vacuum. A restful night’s sleep is essential for our overall health. And a clean mattress can help create a healthy sleeping condition. Routine cleansing of mattresses aids in eliminating dust, allergies, and odors. It assures you that you wake up every morning with a renewed and refreshing feeling.

In this article, we will talk about eight easy ways to clean your mattresses without using a vacuum. From soap and water to hydrogen peroxide solutions, we’ll cover it all.

Now, let’s learn some simple ways to keep your mattresses clean and cozy for better sleep.

Eight Ways To Clean Bed Mattress Without Vacuum

There are several ways to clean a bed mattress without a vacuum. Here we will discuss 8 of those methods:

1. Cleaning With Liquid Soap And Water Solution

Cleaning your bed mattress with a liquid soap and water solution is simple and effective. It requires minimal ingredients. The solution is gentle and effective. It cleans the mattress and removes dirt, stains, and odors.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Make an emulsion by mixing a small amount of light liquid soap with water.
  • Use a clean cloth or sponge to gently clean the dirty parts of the mattress. Dip the cloth or sponge in the mixture before cleaning.
  • Avoid oversaturating the mattress with water.

Afterward, use a separate damp cloth to remove the soap residue and any remaining dirt. Finally, let the mattress air dry thoroughly before making the bed. This easy and affordable technique will leave your mattress clean and fresh. It will ensure a comfortable and hygienic sleep environment.

2. Spot Cleaning With Baking Soda And Vinegar

To keep your bed mattress fresh and clean, you can easily spot-clean it with baking soda and vinegar.

The way you do it:

  • Combine equal amounts of baking soda and water to prepare a thick, uniform paste.
  • Apply the paste to any streaks or marks on the mattress.
  • Leave it to settle there for about half an hour.

It will work magic by absorbing odors and breaking down stains.

Afterward, use a clean cloth to blot the treated areas with white vinegar. It will help remove the paste and act as a natural disinfectant.

Baking soda and vinegar combine to make a highly effective cleaning agent.

It not only tackles stains but also neutralizes unwanted odors. It leaves your mattress smelling and feeling rejuvenated. This eco-friendly and straightforward solution is excellent for your mattress cleaning routine.

3. Cleaning With Essential Oils And Baking Soda

You can clean your bed mattress without a vacuum by using a mixture of essential oils and baking soda. It’s a powerful and natural method. Some of the essential oils are lavender, tea tree, or eucalyptus. They not only provide a pleasant fragrance but also have antimicrobial properties. It helps kill bacteria and expel odors.

Here’s how to go about it:

  • Mix a few drops of essential oil of your choice with baking soda in a bowl
  • Sprinkle the mixture generously over the entire mattress surface. 
  • Pay extra attention to any stained or odorous areas.
  • Leave it for 15-30 minutes for the essential oils and baking soda to work.

After that, carefully scrub the mattress with a gentle brush or cloth. It will ensure the mixture penetrates deeper into the fabric. Finally, wipe away any excess baking soda. After using it, your mattress will smell fresh and clean, with a calming scent of essential oils.

4. Freshening With Baking Soda

Using baking soda is an effective way to freshen your bed mattress. It is an effortless and natural method to expel odors and refresh your sleeping space.

How you go about it:

  • Spread baking soda all over the mattress’s top.
  • Allow the baking soda to remain there for 15-30 minutes.

It will allow it to absorb any unwanted odors lurking in the mattress. Baking soda does its magic during this period. It will absorb and neutralize odors effectively.

  • After waiting, gently rub the baking soda into the mattress’s fabric using a soft brush or cloth.

It helps the baking soda penetrate deeper, ensuring excellent freshness.

Finally, wipe away any excess baking soda using a clean, damp cloth. It will leave you with a mattress that feels and smells revitalized, ready for a restful night’s sleep.

5. Steam Cleaning With Hot Water

Cleaning your mattress with hot water is a powerful way to deep clean without a vacuum.

The concept of using hot water vapor is simple. It breaks down and loosens dirt, dust, and stains embedded in the mattress fibers.

Do it in the following manner:

  • Fill a spray can with hot water and moisten the mattress surface.
  • Next, use a clean cloth to wipe the mattress, letting the hot water remove dirt and grime.
  • Allow it to air dry to get it ready for use.

Steam cleaning is a great way to clean your mattress. It removes dirt on the surface and goes deep into the mattress to remove allergens and dust mites. It leaves your mattress refreshed, sanitized, and ready for a restful night’s sleep.

6. Using Fabric Cleaner Or Upholstery Cleaner

To clean your mattress without a vacuum, use fabric or upholstery cleaner; it’s easy! These cleaners are designed to remove stains and filth from mattress fabric.

How you go about it:

  • Apply the cleaner to the stained areas as per the instructions.
  • Gently scrape the cleanser into the mattress fabric with a gentle cloth or sponge.
  • Rub the cleaner-soaked fabric or sponge circularly over the marks or dirt. 

Remember to follow the recommended cleaning time mentioned on the cleaner’s label. Test the cleaner on a small, unnoticeable area before applying it to the full mattress. It is done so that it will not cause harm or discoloration. You can bring new life to your mattress with fabric or upholstery cleaner. It will leave your bed fresh and spotless for a more enjoyable sleep.

7. Enzyme Cleaner

An enzyme cleaner is a fantastic option for cleaning your bed mattress without a vacuum. Enzyme cleaners contain natural enzymes. They break down and eliminate stains, bacteria, and odors effectively. These enzymes target and digest organic matter, leaving the surface clean and fresh.

Here’s how to go about it:

  • Spray the enzyme cleaner on the stained or soiled areas of the mattress.
  • Leave the cleaner to settle for a few minutes to work its wonders.
  • Then, gently blot the treated areas with a clean cloth to remove the dissolved dirt and stains.

Enzyme cleaners are safe for most mattress fabrics. They provide a deep and thorough clean without the need for vacuuming. Use this simple and effective method. Your mattress will be spotless and ready for a restful night’s sleep.

8. Cleaning With Hydrogen Peroxide

You can clean your bed mattress without a vacuum using hydrogen peroxide. It’s versatile and effective. Its specialty lies in its ability to act as a powerful disinfectant. It kills bacteria, germs, and mold that might accumulate on the mattress over time.

The way you do it:

  • Fill a spray bottle with it.
  • Spray the hydrogen peroxide over the surface of the mattress.
  • Focus on any stained or soiled areas.
  • Leave it to penetrate and sterilize for a few minutes.
  • Gently dab the applied areas with a clean fabric or sponge to remove dirt and stains.

Hydrogen peroxide not only cleans but also deodorizes. It leaves your mattress refreshed and sanitized for a more hygienic sleep environment. Embrace this simple and affordable method. Keep your bed mattress clean and free from unwanted microorganisms.

FAQ On How To Clean Bed Mattress Without Vacuum

Q: How Do You Deep Clean A Mattress Without A Machine?

You can deep clean a mattress without using a machine by using baking soda and vinegar paste. Spread the paste all over the mattress. Let it absorb odors for 15-30 minutes. Then scrub the soda and vinegar paste on any stains or spots on the mattress. Allow the paste to work for 30 minutes, then blot the stains with a cloth dampened with white vinegar. Finally, remove any excess baking soda and allow the mattress to air dry completely.

Q: Can I Leave Baking Soda On My Mattress?

Yes, baking soda can be left on a mattress. Baking soda acts naturally to deodorize the mattress by absorbing odors from it. To use it, sprinkle liberally baking soda on the mattress’s top. Allow it to sit for 15-30 minutes or longer if needed, and then wipe or vacuum it away.

Q: How To Get Urine Out Of A Mattress When Dry?

Mix equal parts water and white vinegar to remove dried pee from a mattress.

Dab the mixture onto the stained area using a cloth or sponge and gently blot the spot. Then, sprinkle baking soda over the area and leave it for a few hours to absorb any residual smell. Next, wipe away the baking soda with a fresh, moist towel. Allow the mattress to air dry completely before using it again.


We looked at eight simple ways to clean your bed mattress without using a vacuum:

  • Cleaning with liquid soap and water
  • Spot cleaning with baking soda and vinegar
  • Cleaning with essential oils and baking soda mixture
  • Freshening with baking soda
  • Steam cleaning with hot water
  • Fabric Cleaner or upholstery cleaner
  • Enzyme cleaner
  • Cleaning with hydrogen peroxide

These methods provide diverse options for every cleaning need. They will provide a simple, easy solution for a clean, fresh sleeping area.

Regular mattress cleaning is vital for better sleep hygiene. It helps remove allergens, dust, and odors, ensuring a healthier slumber.

Transform your sleeping space into a cozy haven with these methods for revitalizing rest. Sweet dreams await with your clean and comfortable bed mattress!

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